Category Archives: Gaming

Posts about games and gaming.

Legal Mindset Derailed: From DrDisrespect to Magic the Gathering!

Possibly the silliest Commander ever. Due to length of the digression, I had to break it up into two parts. Part 1: Part 2:

Posted in Magic:The Gathering, Random Nonsense | Leave a comment

And Back to Ships…

I’m sure someone was really ticked off in this battle. Q: What happens when the enemy goes all in on a pincer move? A: The one destroyer on the enemy team sneaks in and caps. And I mean TOTAL ninja … Continue reading

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Ubu? Who’s That?

Heh, yes, I’m still alive. Other than the occasional appearance in someone else’s comments, I’ve been kind of quiet lately. So a short update…. Stopped playing Rift again. Just not worth it; I was having more fun with the Minions … Continue reading

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So, Am I Finally Out of My Slump?

Since mid-November, I’ve been having a terribad time playing World of Warships. Only this week have I finally put together several nights in a row that I would consider successful. So, my win rate is continuing to trend downwards, but … Continue reading

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Takao is My Waifu!

So, another comment got away from me and became a post… original post by Wonderduck here , all about World of Warships. Regarding paper ships, if you follow some of the Developer pieces, they talk about how the game … Continue reading

Posted in Gaming, Online | Tagged | 2 Comments

What’s Up Doc?

So it’s been a while, and I thought I’d catch up while I’m at home today. Had a dental appointment yesterday afternoon, and even though it was just cleaning and a filling, I don’t do well in the chair. It’s … Continue reading

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We Have Met the Enemy, and… he’s a duck?

The April Fool’s joke to end them all… because it’s not a joke. actually did this: Toy ships in a big tub. They call this “Jacuzzi Mode.” FYI , for reals, I’m up to Tier V American ships … Continue reading

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