Author Archives: Ubu Roi

About Ubu Roi


Legal Mindset Derailed: From DrDisrespect to Magic the Gathering!

Possibly the silliest Commander ever. Due to length of the digression, I had to break it up into two parts. Part 1: Part 2:

Posted in Magic:The Gathering, Random Nonsense | Leave a comment

Ask and Ye Shall Receive!

New season of Tower of God on Crunchy, starting next month!

Posted in Fandom, Movies and TV, Upcoming Releases | Leave a comment


A couple of MtG proxies Redneck Guy ordered. My squirrel deck just got an upgrade. I think that brunette in the center-left has a broken back.

Posted in Random Nonsense | 1 Comment

So What Have I Been Watching?

All right, enough of that shi-ite. As I said earlier, I got bored by anime for quite a while. It turned into isekai, isekai, isekai, and More Isekai. Speaking of which, I was very disappointed in S2 of Rising of … Continue reading

Posted in All Reviews, Snap Reviews | Leave a comment

So, what have I been doing?

FYI, my image uploading widget doesn’t work, so that’s another thing I need to work on. So, no pictures. Now the rest of this section is going to be an extended “feel sorry for myself” screed, so I recommend you … Continue reading

Posted in Bitching, Life, etc., Random Nonsense | 3 Comments

Still trying to fix things

I’m working on the odd bugs and updates needed, particularly the missing comments. I suspect it has to do with the age of the template (c.2010) but I’ve got to relearn so much crap. Update: Ok , it’s fixed. I … Continue reading

Posted in Random Nonsense | 2 Comments

Yes, I do live

Well, I am still around, and I’m still having (a lot more) problems with trying to type, but hey, I’m bored. And getting back into anime. Frankly, I wasn’t enjoying the crap being put out for the last few years … Continue reading

Posted in Random Nonsense | 1 Comment