Category Archives: Magic:The Gathering

Wizards of the Coast little addiction.

Legal Mindset Derailed: From DrDisrespect to Magic the Gathering!

Possibly the silliest Commander ever. Due to length of the digression, I had to break it up into two parts. Part 1: Part 2:

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OMFG, part deux

It’s back online. NSFW in the extreme! One of these days, I’m going to write an actual article. I need to get caught up discussing Campione! and Ah! My Goddess. And I need to get caught up watching anime… I … Continue reading

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Fate Stay/Night, one more time

It’s been a hot, boring summer. I quit playing Rift; just lost interest in it. Got back into Magic: the Money Gathering Pit again. (Well, WOTC gathers it, anyway), but I play no better than I ever did; still just … Continue reading

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I’m bored. Moving Magic:The Gathering way down my priority list because it was too expensive (and time-consuming, and I suck at it) has really left my weekends without much to do, and I can’t work up much interest in writing … Continue reading

Posted in Bitching, Magic:The Gathering | Tagged , | 7 Comments

It Just Seems Quiet

Actually, I’ve been staying busy all week.  I’ve been sparring and deck tweaking all week in preparation for the State Championship in Magic: The Gathering.  Saturday morning, early, I, Master Plan, Cousin Redneck, and his 12 year old  son, Redneck … Continue reading

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