Category Archives: The Real World

About that WuFlu

So, by “survive the WuFlu”, which I was talking about in June. I was a bit inaccurate. You see, it wasn’t that I had it , and was celebrating surviving. It was that I was cheering not getting it. Fool … Continue reading

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In Memorium: Lane Domino 1952-2018

I was worrying about the wrong person. My brother passed last night, in his sleep. Like brothers, we fought Some must be suspected. A many pharmacist pocket was found with scrapes labeling and not altering the objectives at the importance … Continue reading

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I Wonder if Steven Saw Things Like This?

Though he never stated what it was (at least online, and that I’m aware of) Steven Den Beste made note that he was having health problems in his last few years, and that his medicine had side effects that he … Continue reading

Posted in Bitching, Life, etc., The Real World | 1 Comment

When did I become Wonderduck?

Yesh, I wasn’t expecting my next badly-overdue post to be about this sort of thing, but apparently my run of bad health was due to be interrupted by a run of really bad health. So I spent most of November, … Continue reading

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Morning Scout

The good news is that we should be on the “dry side” of Harvey before long. The bad news is it started raining while we were out. Hard. All over the city.

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Out of Service? (Updated)

We’re losing parts of the Flood Warning System. Not a lot, but I’ve never seen “OOS” tags before. Also, reaching their server seems to be a bit… spotty, and the local Greens Bayou gauge hasn’t reported a stream level in … Continue reading

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Splish, Splash, I was Taking a Bath (updated)

These gaps are saving our asses by giving some of the floodwaters time to run off.

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