Category Archives: Movies and TV

Ask and Ye Shall Receive!

New season of Tower of God on Crunchy, starting next month!

Posted in Fandom, Movies and TV, Upcoming Releases | Leave a comment

Thanos v. Starlord

Ok, I’m not going to say more than that about their scene, since it’s too early for spoilers. For those who saw it, one question: Was it: * A dick move? * Toxic Masculinity in action? * A completely understandable … Continue reading

Posted in Movies and TV, Random Nonsense | Tagged | 1 Comment

Star Warts

Ok, I’m going to ruffle some feathers here. I didn’t like the new Star Wars movie very much. Yes, it was better than the prequels, but that damns with faint praise. What is the problem with it? Well, in the … Continue reading

Posted in Movies and TV | 5 Comments