Category Archives: Series Reviews

Where I chose to pontificate on the quality or meaning of an entire series. May overlap Fansub and DVD review categories.

The Saint’s Magic Power is Omnipotent

So this is going to be another anime post , but it’s combined with the light novels as well. SPO (I don’t know what the Japanese portmanteau is) is a current release available on Funimation. I had been ignoring … Continue reading

Posted in All Reviews, Light J-Novels, Series Reviews, The Written Word | Tagged | Leave a comment

Tenchi Muyo – Ryo Ohki

Today’s post is going to be a little different from the last few days , as it’s about anime. Well, that was the original point of this blog, after all. A few years ago, Silver Link (correction: A1C) started producing … Continue reading

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Progress is Slow (Astra, updated)

Well, from the comments on the prior post, I can see that I’m not the only one who has issues with Funi’s player. Sometimes it just doesn’t work; other times I can get an episode to run, but only one. … Continue reading

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Have a Post (or, I Hate FaceBook, so I Actually Posted Here for Once)

Not much to tell. Playing lots of Everquest lately; Sony sold it to DayBreak, who started a pair of new “progression servers”, starting over from the original game and releasing the updates every six months. That means I can now … Continue reading

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And That’s a Wrap…

A belated wrap-up of the Summer 2014 anime season. Or at least the portions that I watched. Overall, this wasn’t a bad season at all, with six series I could at least tolerate enough to view to the end of … Continue reading

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Update on the Season (and me)

Well, I’ve had a lot of time to watch anime this season, for reasons I’ll go into later. Not that I’ve taken major advantage of it; this season is definitely sub par. Does it still reek? I’d have to say … Continue reading

Posted in Fansubs, Life, etc., Series Reviews | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

Infinite Stratos, yet again (Update)

I’m probably spending more time talking about this show than it’s worth, especially given that it’s not a top-of-the-line show, but there are a few things to be said for it — as well as against it. In the main, … Continue reading

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