Macademi Wasshoi ep.2

Ok, I’m convinced. This show wins. I was rolling from start to finish. From the first “AYIEEEEE! My eyes! I can’t believe they did that!” to the last “Oh, hell yeah, Mrrrrrow!” I was grinning like and idiot and suppressing guffaws (because it was late and everyone was in bed). How crazy was it? Suzaho starts in Midnight Blue Vampire form and all hell breaks loose. Fortunately, dwarves can do speedy repairs to apartments, and spells can erase the memories of all witnesses.

We’ve got another crazy sensei. This one builds devices to turn people into their “natural” animal-eared forms (seems related to personality?). It’s moé! Moé! Mo’ moé! Oh, and the catgirl* meido is definitely playing a major part. She throws down against one of the goddesses in this one. Seems the Gods and Demons are taking an interest in Tannarotte, because she is neither, but she could turn into either — and if she does, the unchanging balance between the two immortal realms would be altered — neither of them wants that. So a Goddess and Demoness sneak into the school and try to find Tannarote. Needing cover, they amp up the already out-of-control animalizer and send it on a rampage.

*The fansubbers are still translating like she might be dog-related; the goddess briefly mistakes her for a werewolf. That might be the changes wrought by the “animalizer.” Takuto is still being dragged around, but he does assert himself from time to time. He tries to take on the Demoness, but she slaps him down pretty quick.

It’s appearing that the Suzaho/Suzako dichotomy is a fansub error or they’re almost completely integrated.

If I have time, I’ll write something a bit more organized tomorrow.

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4 Responses to Macademi Wasshoi ep.2

  1. I thought it was awesome. And Takuto’s fireball wasn’t shabby, either.

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    From what I saw at Arodouc’s, the catgirl is a major part of the show. I’m all in favor of that.

    Still, with him doing so many screencaps, it feels kind of pointless for me to take any. And I was just thinking “nice fanservice in the shower here, I’ll have to cap it — URRRRK!!!!” Heh. That was just mean!

  3. And from the music it’s clear they knew it and were doing it deliberately.

  4. Ubu Roi says:

    From what Arodouc says, you can expect more of it. Sigh. Uncensored DVD’s, anyone? Can’t show a chick’s ass but yeah, we can see his…. I think the censors are all pervy hobbit fanciers, if you ask me.

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