Star Trek X

Spoilers here. I am also disappointed by the modern decor; I was hoping they’d go retro.

Hat tip to Fledge.


“This is a franchise that offers hope for unity — and so does Barack Obama,’’ says Quinto, who has stumped for the Democratic presidential nominee. ‘’When this movie comes out, and Obama is president, hopefully there will be some parallels.’’ (EW)

Leonard Nimoy believes the film should have been released prior to the November U.S. election – to give movie fans a boost amid gloomy economic and environmental crises. He says, “My only regret is that the movie can’t come out sooner. I think the world could use it. Don’t you?” (EW)

Bad enough that the guy running the show is a Star Wars fan, not Star Trek, and wants to give it the feel of the former….

God, there’s enough Trek fans to make it a success, no matter how bad it is…

Update: Ok, the bit with the links appearing and suppressing the display of my article has happened a second time, and I didn’t touch this thing. That’s definitely a hack, and from the insane number of links, I suspect it’s automated. I’m going to run around and try to lock things down, then upgrade to a newer version of WordPress. Dammit, I had other plans for today

Update: happened again. Grrrr.

Update 11/4: And AGAIN. I don’t have time to deal with this shit. I keep erasing the ID, and it keeps getting reinserted. After tomorrow night I may have time to deal with it

Update 11/5: No time, and it seems to be happening during the middle of the day, about the same time. Ok, I’m going to do a couple of things here…

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4 Responses to Star Trek X

  1. I don’t remember where I saw it, but some blogger made the comment/complaint that the sets seemed to be based on the decor of Apple stores.

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    I don’t know, I must have erased it accidentally?

    It appears I may have been hacked. Bunch of extraneous code had been inserted with about fifty links. I just deleted them without saving, (duh, it’s late), and I need to skim other posts to see if it was just that one. I doubt very seriously I accidentally inserted that while editing.

  3. Ubu Roi says:

    Confirmed. I was hacked; a new admin ID had been inserted. Removed it, but I’m not sure I’ve fixed the exploit that allowed it.

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