I Won’t Do It…I Won’t, I Won’t….

Jason hates Sarah Palin because “she’s the MILF version of George W. Bush” who vetoed a $7 Bn plan to provide health care to children while spending $200 Bn in Iraq, blah, blah, blah.

He. Has. No. Fucking. Idea.

I will NOT do a political post on this blog, just because that statement is so stupid as to defy comprehension of why Sarah’s most ardent fans CAN NOT STAND most of GWB’s domestic policies.

No, I won’t do it…. Grrrrrrrrrr.

“This is an anime blog. This is an anime blog. This is an anime blog.” We may very occasionally pick on the occasional Democratic presidential candidate who wouldn’t know what to do with a robot ninja catgirl meido if one landed on him, but this is still an anime blog.

I will NOT do a political post on this blog, just because he has to shill for Obama or ridicule McCain in every other post.

Nope. Anyone who’s interested in hearing the political opinions of a civil servant and anime blogger is welcome to go to Houblog. I intend to have some things to say there over the next few days, but they won’t involve the political rantings of wet-behind-the-ears anime Obamabot. Because when I separated my anime from my politics, it cut both ways. (I notice Brendan Loy, Weathernerd did the same thing. I was surprised to find out he was an Obama supporter, in fact, because he kept his two blogs and their subjects separated also).

Grrrr. Derailed by Darry is one website that’s off my browser until after the election.

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4 Responses to I Won’t Do It…I Won’t, I Won’t….

  1. Will says:

    I saw that a few days ago too. It was really hard not to jump in and put them all some f’n knowledge. Just remember the average age of his reader. The world hasn’t got around to smacking the youthful twinkle out of their eyes yet (he says as one of those “heartless” conservative-before-30 types).

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    Yeah. I was never a lihberul for some reason. And I’ve gotten crankier and more bitter about clinging to my guns, religion, and anime as I’ve gotten older. If I don’t cling to my guns, the rest is going to be taken away, at the rate things are going.

    “Give me mahou shoujo, or give me death!”
    “I regret that I have but one meido to give for my country.”
    “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Catgirls! Nya?”

    Oh, and Macademi Wasshoi 02 is FINALLY subbed!

  3. andyjanes says:

    “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Catgirls! Nya?”

    Possibly the best line I’ve seen this year? May I borrow it as a tagline?

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