My Geekdom Has Limits

And starting at $500 for a full-featured model, I’ll have to accept that this is beyond them.

Dammit. They are kinda cool.

However, I am somewhat amused at the use of dramatic music in a Popular Mechanics demonstration video.

Update: If you want your list of top ten disasters of the 20th century to be taken seriously, you probably shouldn’t list at #1 a disaster that happened five (well, four) years into the 21st century.

Edit: not to mention pick one for which many folks consider the real disaster to be the preparation for, and response to the hurricane, not the hurricane itself.

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4 Responses to My Geekdom Has Limits

  1. Will says:

    I remember the 93 Blizzard. We were supposed to be having a big school trip to DC. We were the only flight to attempt to cross the continent and get in before the storm reached Baltimore. The storm beat us there and they diverted to Indianapolis. Sat in the airport for a while. Then they put just our school group back on the plane, took another hour de-icing, and flew us back to Phoenix. 20 kids and a couple adults had the run of a 737 all the way back.

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    A buddy I’ll call “Dread Pirate Pintiteaux” and his newlywed wife flew to the NE for a ski honeymoon at the same time, only to get snowed into an airport motel for the entire vacation, never making it to their destination.

    As he put it, “We found things to do.” 🙂

  3. Will says:

    It was a good turn of fortune that we didn’t beat the storm, or I’m certain our chaperones would have gone quickly insane. It was a private Christian school, so we weren’t exactly little hellions, but being responsible for that many kids so far from home (without a net or plan) would be more than enough to get your blood pumping.

    I’ve always wondered at the wisdom of going somewhere warm/hot/humid for a honeymoon. Cold weather is more conducive to getting close, if-you-know-what-I-mean-and-I-think-that-you-do.

  4. One of the good things to come out of the “Phantom Menace–Clones–Sith–Special Olympics Editions” is that it completely killed my interest in spending money on Star Wars stuff. Thanks for that, George! My credit cards can breathe now.

    Although…can we get the “Holiday Special” on Blu Ray. or HD-DVD, please? I’d buy it if it had an audio commentary from Lucas, just saying “I am soooo sorry,” over and over again. Heck, I’d buy “Attack of the Clones” if it had the same thing.

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