I Shouldn’t Have Done That . . . and other irreverent things

Write about the most popular online game outside of Asia, and look what happens: Spam, spam, spammity spam. All about buying g o l d (currency) for use in said game. Bah. Thank some computer programmer for Akismet.

In other news, I notice that Steven closed yet another discussion thread over at Chizumatic. Really, what’s he got against discussions of doujinshi lesbo orgies, anyway? (Oh God, what kind of spam am I going to get now?) Maybe it was really because Pixy brought up that Steven was mentioned as being quoted in the NYT for quoting Mickey Kaus. And if you can figure that out in one reading, you probably knew what I was talking about in the first place.

If Steven finds being called “unstoppable” by Glenn Reynolds embarrassing, I hope he doesn’t read much John Ringo, or Tom Kratman. From p. 594, in the Afterword to Yellow Eyes, a novel in which the American-led defense of Earth against alien invaders is being hampered by Tranzis of the EU and UN…

“Tranzi is short for “Transnational Progressive” or “Transnational Progressivism.” For a more complete account of their program, look up John O’Sullivan’s Gulliver’s Travails or some of what Steven Den Beste has written on the subject. You might, dear reader, also look at John Fonte’s The Ideological War Within the West. Lastly for purposes of this little essay, look up Lee Harris’ The Intellectual Origins of America Bashing. These should give you a good grounding in Tranzism: its motives, goals and operating techniques. All can be found online.

(Note:Searching BN.com for “ideological war” generates results involving The Federalist Papers. See #3, #9, and #10. Also, #2 is intriguing. Things that make you go, “Hmmmmmm.”)

An electrical engineer by trade, getting mentioned by best-selling authors as a reference — in the same paragraph as guys published by major think-tanks. One of the original “four horsemen of the ‘Ablogolypse,'” years after hanging up his political blog, and he’s still influential enough to be (mis-)quoted in the NYT. And we’re privileged to debate animé with this guy. Sheesh.

Life just ain’t fair. There’s times I want to go “man, I haven’t paid my dues, to be writing to (or about) him, or posting comments on his blog.” Then there’s times I just want to say, “C’mon Steven, watch more Godannar, you know your id wants to!”

So…..Hey Steven, when can we expect more Shizuru fanservice?

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11 Responses to I Shouldn’t Have Done That . . . and other irreverent things

  1. After one episode, I’m having a hard time getting interested in watching any more of Godannar. It may be never.

    As to why I closed that thread, the last two comments contained images I didn’t need in my mind, and there was every reason to believe that the thread was only going to get worse.

    I do not understand the Japanese otaku obsession with that particular sexual perversion. (And I don’t mean lesbian orgies.)

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    As to why I closed that thread, the last two comments contained images I didn’t need in my mind, and there was every reason to believe that the thread was only going to get worse.

    Well, sa 🙂 (Although it may be illegal to use of a particle by it’s lonesome.)

  3. You can use “sa” alone, but it doesn’t mean the same thing.

  4. Dr.Heinous says:

    Hm. The other day I noticed that Comcast On Demand (where I’ve been watching RaXephon bit by bit) had episode 01 of Godannar up. I almost sat and watched it; maybe I’ll have to tonight just to see what it is all about. (Never tell an old MST3K fan not to watch anything… that’s an engraved invitation).

  5. Ubu Roi says:

    I’m fairly certain you’ve seen the first part, though it was last summer. I thought I’d left the rest of the DVD’s at your place to watch, between trips.

    Must be even worse than I thought, for it to be that forgettable.

  6. Will says:

    Well I do want to apologize for my part in that.

    I’m definitely not interested in that garbage. The only doujinshi I’ve ever had in hand (and the one I was describing) was a vile spin on GXP that my friend brought back from Japan for me. He did it as a joke, but I told him he could keep it.

  7. Just in passing, I knew about that mention in that book. They actually ran it by me before they printed it, to see if it was OK with me. And it was fine, but on the first pass they had misspelled my name. I informed them of the change which was needed, and it turned out it was not too late to fix it. (Like so many other people, they had used a lowercase “d” on “Den”.)

  8. Ubu Roi says:

    I have found myself wondering about the correct spelling, capitalization, and spacing of your name in the past, and so have gone to your website to make sure I got it right. And I’m sure I got it wrong a time or two.

    Fortunately, you have a much easier-to-spell name than that of the average person leaving 100 comments a week on Bridgebunnies about… uh, well, if I say, I’ll be trapped by my own spam protection. And I don’t want the filters to be confused by my comment approval.

    Anyway, while I enjoy the animé discussions (Really? Shouldn’t you be watching more and writing about it then? — Ed.), I do think your retirement from “serious” blogging should be titled, “The Victory of the Ankle-Biters.”

    (Hey, Ed., shut up!)

    (Who, me? –Ed.)

    (Yeah, you!)

    (You realize you’re having this discussion with yourself, don’t you? — Ed.)

    (Oh, shut up.)

  9. Dr.Heinous says:

    Hm. Didn’t someone formerly post at a little place called Houblog?…

  10. Ubu Roi says:

    The difference is, on Houblog, I was the ankle-biter. I cannot point to a single thing in the municipal discourse and say “I definately had an impact on the discussion here.” There are places that I think I may had an impact, but I don’t know. Regardless, such limited impact, if it exists, has been only to the discourse, and not to the policy or actions of the City of Houston. In that regard, I probably achieve more in my actual job than I do blogging.

    So if I’m going to blog, I’ll blog about what I enjoy, although I occasionally grumble at myself for the fact that my talking about animé achieves even less than my talking about local government and politics.

    Hell of a note when a lowly civil servant finds his job more rewarding than his hobbies. I mean, so what if I make lvl 70 on our new server, or find the next Shingu? Is it going to accomplish anything?

  11. Dr.Heinous says:

    Owch. I think my ankles have been gnawed.

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