Kamen no Maid Guy

Yay! It’s coming to DVD in the US! Finally, since the fansubbers let us all down. (EDIT: ARRRGH!! I misread. No, it’s just a Japanese manga/DVD bundle. /cry.) Given that the show had nipples in broadcast, I have to wonder what the DVD-only episode’s going to be like. (Do we FINALLY get to see Fubuki nude? Please!!)

A few months ago I started and shelved a comparison of the four fanservice shows then airing. This is what I had to say about KnMG:

Kamen no Maid Guy. To summarize:
Watched: 6 episodes and damn, there’s only how many left? Hey, would someone start fansubbing this show again?
Fanservice level: Middling to occasionally high.
Art & Animation: Overall, average. Maybe above average for a fanservice show, though the usual shortcuts are present.
Humor: Over the top, and very high. “No, no, you’re just a big-breasted kendo girl; your panties would only be worth Y70,000!” Also, I have to hand it to her brother; he’s always saying what I’m thinking about Fubuki. Except when he’s being stupider than usual.
Male Lead: Kogarashi, the Maid Guy, although it’s not that kind of show.
Female Lead(s): Big-breasted, athletic, and mathematically challenged. Also violent, when provoked. Probably the best lead of the lot.
Secondary Characters: Best. Maid. EVER. And no, I don’t mean the guy. Fubuki rocks. Think Siesta crossed with Najica. A sweet, short-tempered Najica. A sweet, short-tempered, big-breasted Najica. Longer skirt, though, dammit…
Plot: Lurking in the background; probably will get left there. Naeka is six months from inheriting the huge family fortune, but someone’s been killing off the rest of the family. Grandpa arranges meido bodyguards, one of whom is a “Maid Guy.” Think Souske Sagara with most of Superman’s powers, plus some new ones tossed in. And less sense.
Storytelling: I haven’t stopped laughing long enough to notice. There really isn’t much of a story here; the inheritance and threat are more for the setup than for the plot. I do think it’s a bit odd that Naeka and her brother haven’t noticed their lack of cousins…
More: Make that “more, please.” This show also depends on zaniness, only it’s much more original. It’s not a maid show; it’s a parody of maid shows. A typical episode involves Kogarashi coming up against a pseudo-threat and over-reacting in his own hilarious way. It’s not as brain-dead a reaction as Souské Sagara’s; it just lacks… perspective. Like the time he determined that a female threat to Naeka could be identified only by her green polka-dot panties. He contrived to steal the panties off every girl in the school–while they were being worn. “Bah, saw that in Inukami,” right? Wrong. That guy was so slow, the women knew they’d been plundered. Not the subjects of Maid Guy’s investigation! “Stupid girls have no awareness! Kukukukukukuku!” In retaliation, Fubuki, as his keeper (of sorts) promptly detonates the bomb she put in his phone. Then there was the epic battle against the ninja meido twins. The older sister is scary, but I give the younger one points for ‘best use of an innocent bystander.’ “Maid Guy does not harm civilians!” As for the differently-aged twins…. “Yeah, I heard something… her expiration date passing!” Oh, did I mention that Naeka’s boobs have their own fan club? And of course there’s a lesbian stalker chick!

I really don’t see how or where they can find a VA to do justice to Kogarashi and his madcap laugh. “Kukukukukukukukukuku!” There was no attempt to tell a real story here, but that was very much a “who cares?” item. They have a thin premise as to why Naeka and her brother are being guarded by two hyper-competent lethal maids (one of whom is male) and they pretty much ignore it once the situation is set.

Oh, and if you want pics, look here. Edit: even better set here. This was one of the better fanservice episodes, but sadly, not one of the two (that I saw) that involved toplessness with nipples.

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