Air You Can See, Damage You Can’t

Steven linked to this article a couple of weeks ago, about the really bad pollution that will greet the athletes of the Beijing Olympics.

I do so enjoy the schadenfreude of the tremendous embarrassment the Chinese are going to suffer from this, but only today did it dawn on me, that someone else is going to take it right in the solar plexus. Hell, the nuts.

Kyoto, which was already a dead duck — and buried to boot, is about to have the grave paved over. But that’s not all.

What will the American public think of the environmental movement having a tizzy over “carbon footprint” and every little tenth-point change in the average temperature, after they spend two weeks watching this?

If I were G.W.Bush, right about the midpoint of the Olympics, I’d call congress back into session, to consider drilling in ANWR and drop a sly reference to the pollution in Beijing while I was at it. “Some pundits of disaster would have us believe that it is but a short step from drilling in Alaska, to the air of Beijing shrouding all our cities. And they would be right — if each of our cities contained 15 million people, and had no pollution controls whatsoever.”

Outside of really pissing off the Chinese, in combination with high gas prices, he’d force the Dems to roll. Which would explode their support from the looney left (not to mention a few heads) and maybe they’d be the ones to stay home this November!

Damn, what can I say? Bush shoulda picked me to replace Karl Rove.

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4 Responses to Air You Can See, Damage You Can’t

  1. Apparently the Chinese authorities are praying for wind. That’s the only thing that can clear the air there, and it might happen.

    But I sure hope it doesn’t.

  2. Wonderduck says:

    I object to your use of the phrase “dead duck.”

  3. Ubu Roi says:

    What about dead lobster?
    Dead duck in a white wine sauce?

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