Kanokon 9

Ok, that does it. Brain ‘splody.

Kanokon has dropped any pretense at being anything but softcore porn.

And the art went to hell in a handbasket at the same time, dammit.

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6 Responses to Kanokon 9

  1. Ah, but in the next-ep preview, I’m sure that was Wolfie’s tail.

  2. Ubu Roi says:


    It’s a sort-of continued story now. It appears that Chizuru may not be Kouta’s first involvement with spirits…

  3. So it sounds like they may be going to try to offer a half-way plausible reason why Wolfie and Foxy are trying to get into Kouta’s pants? A real story? Yikes!

  4. Ubu Roi says:

    Well, I wouldn’t hold my breath. If they do stick a story in there, it’ll have to fit around Chizuru’s (now flat) chest.

    Best line of the series so far, when Kouta tries to console Chizuru by saying he finds flat-chested girls attractive too:

    Nozomu: “I win.”

  5. I didn’t get the impression from what I’ve been reading that it was a permanent change. Doesn’t seem like they’d do that — but what do I know? Nonetheless, I’d bet she gets ’em back again before it’s all over.

    Anyway, wonder what it’s going to take to get Nozomu to transform? Probably to fight that demon, and I bet she needs Kouta’s help to do it. Will his fireball with her be even bigger than with Chizuru? Betcha on that, too.

  6. Ubu Roi says:

    I doubt it’s permanent either, but it was still in effect at the end of the episode. Y’know, flat-chested Chizuru bears an amazing resemblance to Shana. Poor Yuiiji… No idea what he’s missing.

    Edit: maybe tomorrow I’ll have time to do some screencaps. Rough couple of days.

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