What Cult?

Steven thinks it’s finally safe to post a review of the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya. At least he understands the goddess somewhat.

Haruhi is a unique character. All the other characters (including Kyon) are right out of the book of cliches, but Haruhi isn’t like any other character I’ve ever encountered.

Indeed. The goddess is not likely to be similar to normal girls.

On balance I think I do recommend the series, but with a lot of warnings. The initial hysteria has died down by now (which is why it’s safe for me to write this review the way I have), but you’ll still find people who will say this is the best animé series of the last ten years, or who will praise it to the skies for other reasons. Fandom for this series is almost cult-like.

We’re not a cult! Oharuhi-sama says so! Well, she would if she knew she is a goddess. Don’t make her send Celestial Avatars to destroy your reality.

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4 Responses to What Cult?

  1. IKnight says:

    You’re scaring me now.

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    Now? I’m slipping….

  3. I really should watch this show. I have all the volumes (the Deluxe Super Double Secret Probation versions, to0). Of course, they’re still in the shrink-wrap, too, but that seldom amounts to much of a barrier.

  4. Ubu Roi says:

    I understand. You are afraid to lose yourself to the goddess. Be not afrightened.

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