A draft from long, long ago, when I was having problems taking screenshots. Which I’ve now gone back and done, so I thought, “what the hell, why not.” So here you are.
So episode 6 contained a bunch of silly fantasy segments, all centering around Yume writing manga and trying to find what her personality is. Being outshone by her older sisters was getting kind of wearing for her, it seems.
Lots of parodies: Death Note, Haruhi, etc. They were generally bad, so the others stepped in and tried to help with their versions…One of the segments involved the other females of the series being a “bad girls” motorcycle gang. Which was silly enough, but then this picture of Shinra-sama flashed on the screen — just as I was trying to swallow half of a stuffed jalepeno pepper.
Bad timing. Bad, bad timing.

Not even for yours, sweetie. But I might accept a mild injury... oh wait, I did. That chesee was HOT!
Update: Decide for yourself. From the hentai game. WARNING: VERY NSFW!