I’ve Been Dissed

Well, crap.

I don’t hate WOW at all. I’m deadly serious about it being a honeyed trap for people who’d otherwise be competing with me for gigs and creative work. Like folks who get home, drop in front of the tv and zone out till the lights go dim, they’re opting out of life and making room for people who would rather do than consume.

Oh well, at least he got the P.T. Barnum quote wrong. The one sneer that bothers me is:

I grew up in the middle of the country. I know the basics of toilet repair and how corn cross-pollinate. (I did not, however, know Jack Kennedy…) It’s marvelous information, but not nearly as useful as knowing how to install a router.

Right, dude. Next time your toilet stops up, I’m sure that router’s going to be a lot of help.

h/t to Instapundit (as if Glenn needs the traffic)

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One Response to I’ve Been Dissed

  1. Dr.Heinous says:

    Bah. I am waiting for the fabulous router/toilet combo. Take that, intertubes!

    (Frankly, I think this has already been discovered and HEAVILY used by some).

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