Amazon Recommends….

Porno. I swear, I selected “DVD” and typed “anime” into the search box. That’s all.

Sheesh, talk about fan “service”…. What do they know about me, I wonder? (Yes, I know its hentai, not ecchi or fanservice. Work with me here, ok?)

(Edited to make the bad pun a little clearer.)

Update: I was just reading over at Instapundit, when I noticed the Amazon ad on the right side…. it had one book (which I already own), one anime (which I also own) and three other anime (which I had recently looked at). Obviously, it was tailored to my recent search/views. It occurred to me, “you know, Glen’s about one glitch–if that–away from having porno advertised on his site, and then the fur’s going to fly when someone’s parent complains to him, not realizing little Billy’s been checking out the animated boobies again….”

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One Response to Amazon Recommends….

  1. Even more mind-boggling are the IMDB recommendations. If you go to an entry on a film and scroll to the bottom, they have all these “If you like this, you might also like…” and they list the strangest damned things.

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