CrunchyRoll Flexes Muscle, So Do Certain Others.

The new force in anime distribution? Maybe. CR announced at Otakacon:

…that it will add new titles from the Gonzo anime studio’s GDH corporate parent — including Kaleido Star and Peace Maker Kurogane (pictured at right) — 12 titles from ADV Films, and several titles from Media Blasters this month.

The only ADV stuff I was interested in was Nadescio: POD and possibly Angelic Layer.
Media Blasters: Ramen Fighter Miki, perhaps. Girls High, no way.
Gonzo: uninterested in their offerings.

Full list here.

Other short notes, as I catch up with the world:

Otome wa Boku is getting a second season. Sheesh. I still refuse to believe there’s a penis on that. None. Not after all that estrogen, anyway.
Rosario + Vampire is getting a second season. I may have been more disappointed in a series somewhere….
The rumors continue that Melancholy of Haruhi Suzamiya will have a second season in 2008. No way there’s a sequel of this. None. I refuse to believe it.

The Russians will soon own the last Caspian Sea pipeline that isn’t in their hands. Western Europe wrings its collective hands and blames Georgia. Eastern Europe expresses support for Georgia. Russia blames its continued attacks on Eastern Europe’s support and Georgian rallies in the capital. “Doze wascally Gwojians! Tey sed tey don’ like uz, so weez gotsta sind inda tanks!” — Vladmir Fudd (Note: while I don’t favor escalating the situation, and my question is basically, “So, Sarzosky, just how many American lives is that pipeline worth to you?” , the first mouthpiece, asshat, fellow traveller, tinfoil hat, or other apologist for Russian imperialism or moral equivalence of the Kosovo precedent is welcome to take a flying leap. So are the second, third, and all following. Don’t bother posting here or trying to tweak me. Just. Don’t.)

I’ve been seeing multiple reports since last week that the U.S. has built up a large force in the Red Sea, to include FIVE carrier groups by the end of the week (four is generally “war strength,” and rumors have been coming out of both Iraqi and Israeli sources that the Israeli air force has forward deployed to Iraq. If you look at what we’re saying, I think Iran’s time has run out. Could Russia be trying to distract us in Georgia?

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4 Responses to CrunchyRoll Flexes Muscle, So Do Certain Others.

  1. I thought that the first OtoBoku series ended with graduation. How could there be another?

    I think it’s pretty much a sure thing that Haruhi will get another series. The books keep going and there’s a lot of story remaining for them to tell. No ending, though. Such is life. Also [spoiler]Tsuruya shows up in one of the later story arcs.[/spoiler]

  2. Andrew F. says:

    Staff and other details for the new Haruhi Suzumiya series were announced in July’s issue of Newtype. It’s definitely on the way, but don’t expect it this year. I’m guessing Winter or Spring 2009.

  3. Ubu Roi says:

    There was some event, but I don’t remember what. The upper class may have graduated, but not Mizuho’s.

  4. andyjanes says:

    I think the trouble with Haruhi S2 is that it’s taken so long that expectations will be too high (a la Matrix reloaded and Star Wars episode 1). Kyoani are scared of the backlash so keep finding other things to do (hey lets do more lucjy star and Clannad!)

    Re Otoboku, the series didn’t really have a climax apart from [spoiler] the student pres finding out the big secret and us seeing his fake boobs fall off[/spoiler]

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