Random SSB

From several years ago, when she was but a wee tyke, about 9 or so.

Dr.Heinous and I were deep into a boardgame, while the Stainless Steel Brat occupied herself by playing Roller Coaster Tycoon. Since it wasn’t Zoo Tycoon, she couldn’t derive any amusement from the usual tactic of not feeding the animals, waiting on the park to fill up, blocking the entrance, deleting all the animal enclosures, and then waiting to see how long her park visitors could survive her ersatz Jurassic Park. A pity, that.

We hit a break point and checked up on her… Since she couldn’t feed her visitors to hungry animals in RCT, she’d deleted all the bathrooms — except one waaaaaaaaay out at the end of a long path. And put a $2.00 charge on using it.

As the point of the game was to make a profit, we asked how she was doing on that.

“Pretty good.”

“I see you’ve got umbrella stalls, and oooh, they’re all different colors!” said the heinous doctor.

“Well, yeah. If I make every stand sell umbrellas of a different color, any time it rains, I can see which stalls aren’t selling umbrellas at a glance, and know I need to relocate them for better sales. Don’t even have to check the reports.”

Hours, and hours, and hours we spent playing that game, and we never thought of that trick. That was the point where I decided that we needed to increase security and hide the plans to our Death Star. God only knows what mischief she’d get up to if she found those…

Update: you know, I’ve noticed SSB stories don’t get nearly the response they used to since I mentioned she was only fourteen…

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6 Responses to Random SSB

  1. It’s a good story, but what would you expect us to say?

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    Silly question. When has having nothing to say EVER stopped anyone on the internet? 😀

    Now, if you mean “nothing intelligent or funny to say,” then I have to agree. Not even my genius can be consistently witty.


    Shut up, Dr. Heinous. I heard that thought!

  3. Dr.Heinous says:

    The only thing worse than being consistently witty is not being consistently witty.

  4. Ubu Roi says:

    See? Like I said, having nothing to say doesn’t stop anyone!

  5. Well, I can’t make loli jokes because Dr. Heinous would take off after me with a chain saw.

  6. Ubu Roi says:

    No, that’s my cousin, Redneck Guy. Dr. Heinous would use his 2-handed sword.

    Hmmmm. Would this be a good place to mention that the SSB owns her own katana?

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