Winter Really IS Boring

Steven laments the bad winter animé season, and that all his favorite framegrab sites have bailed on the major fanservice show he was interested in, Rosario + Vampire. I’m pretty much in agreement with him that it’s been a negative season, but it hasnt’ helped that I’m “just not feeling it” about blogging. I’ve had an article barely started about Shana episodes 21 and 22 — working title: Shark Jumped the Show. Why not? They got everything else bass ackwards. Massive spoilers: Hey, Yuuiji is a tactical genius! Hey, Sabrac’s still alive! Hey, Chigusa’s pregnant! Dad: “By the way son, you were borne a twin, but the other one didn’t survive.” Ike: “Yoshida, I love you!” Yoshida: “Too bad, so sad, you cry now.” Shana: “Hey Yoshida, tell me how to make babies!” Yoshida: “. . . .” Shana and Yoshida: “Yuuji, decide tonight who you love!” Yuuiji: “Shit, Someone get me out of this! I’d rather be ripped in two.” Hecate: “That’s my cue…Hi, and [*rip*] thanks for the Reiji Maigo!”

I just haven’t been feeling it, and even after I copied my comment from over at Jason’s the article won’t finish itself. That’s as close as I’ve come to getting my snark on.

Even if I didn’t have much to say, I could always throw up a half-dozen pics and make some lame comments, but that’s become difficult now. I took a double whammy when I moved to the new computer. For some reason, Zoomplayer on the XP will only framegrab the first frame of the file, no matter what. (yes, I’ve gone to the forums, read the info from everyone else, and taken some from readers. None of it worked) I also don’t have Paint Shop Pro on the new system, and Gimp 2 is no replacement. This means resizing screenshots I can take is just too much trouble.

On top of SnS being a howlingly bad disappointment from the 3rd episode on, KimiAru is annoying me by never developing a plot — every time they act like they’re going to actually treat one of the characters seriously, the issue is just left dangling while they go off in a different direction, and they’ve really started pimping the PS2 game and breaking the fourth wall in the last few episodes. Well, this last episode was actually an exception to the dangling characters, as all the hints that Yume’s low self-worth and depression were based on her relationship with Shinra finally boiled over. It just didn’t ring true though.

The other fanservice show, R+V finally lost me with episode 10. They not only butchered Ruby’s story, they butchered her character, the overall story, logic clear back to the day of Aristotle, and most of the space-time continuum. It was that bad. From screenshots of the episode 11 raw, we do get the Public Safety Commission as the final story arc. And the animation still doesn’t improve.

Grump. Level 66 in WoW, and counting.

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3 Responses to Winter Really IS Boring

  1. Will says:

    The animation quality in that Ruby battle did drop off pretty badly. I think they spent too much time/money on that flashy second ED.

    I’ll have to go back and check the subs, but wasn’t Yuuji’s sibling born several years prior? 9 years rings a bell (That made me do a bit of a double-take to think that his parents would then have to be somewhere in their early 40’s.)

  2. Will says:

    And of course I went and left off a farging spoiler tag.

    Maybe I’ll see if I can get Steven some R+V screens later tonight. Wait… make that tomorrow evening. My evening is tied up until 10:30.

  3. It’s been months since I’ve seen a series that really grabbed me. I came very close recently, but the show clutched and crashed hard in the last ten minutes.

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