Banner of the Stars III — Screencaps

Well, unfortunately, these aren’t up to my normal standards. Owing to some computer problems I had several months ago, I’m back on an old, old version of a player for the moment, and it’s screencap functionality could be described as “amazing suckage.” The pics only come out in about 640 width… taken from a 1440 by 900 monitor.

Whoa. That’s suckage.

Oh well, I’ll get off my lazy ass and go do something about it right after I do all the other things on my “deferred until Haruhi Suzumiya acts like a normal girl” list.

Oh, yeah, you’re reading this post for the pics, aren’t you? Well get below the fold!

Lafiel scolds Jinto for being absent-minded.

A close personal moment.

Jinto, Lafiel and Deputy Administrator Swosher.

Ekuryua, piloting the shuttle. Sobash has just made a big mistake.

Not really, you’re just egotistical enough to believe that.

Eh, what’s that? OH! Ok, ok, ok, here’s your ship pr0n. Sheesh, what some people find interesting…

Looks like they kept the anti-proton cannon?

Forward railguns, and central hull.

Yep, they upped the point defense on these ships.

Side/ventral view, during emergence from the sord.

Another bow shot, with incoming fire.

Til and Jinto have a little heart-to-heart. “Sorry about your dad. Did what I could, but no luck.”

“Come home, Jinto.”

The final shot of Lafiel. And no, that’s not the final line that BigD referred to.

Which, by the way, was in English.

Edit: as opposed to Engrish, which my prior sentence was, originally.

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