Well, started getting bored with the in-character write-up, and frankly, the army’s would be boring. Aside from the Moretsu and Akhibara divisions, there isn’t that much for me to congratulate my self on being so cool for. As if. Well, the Mechanized Infantry divisions are named “Mecha” instead. And unlike the AI, I build Garrison and Military Police (occupation) units. This enables me to keep the peace with ersatz “Shinobu” divisions attached to a special People’s Imperial Secret Service command. Nyuk, nyuk.
But I really didn’t feel like writing another post on those lines. Well, since I’d already written a comment that was as long as a post… why not expand it a bit, and add pictures…
Since I started writing these posts last week, I’ve played two more years into the game, and my fleet has gotten way bigger. I’ve had to resort to keeping ANN’s encyclopedia open to research last names — when I bother.
The Imperial Japanese Navy as of 21 Apr 1943:
1st Battle Fleet (Over-strength due to distance from home)
CV: Melissa Mao, Yuri
SHBB: Nadesico
BB: Yamato, Bentenmaru
CL: Kimiko Nanasawa
DD: Mikasa 20001, Zelgadis Graywords, Jet Black, Mikasa Mikoto
2nd Battle Fleet (Has an extra CA instead of a BB, too many destroyers — takes a penalty for the size of fleet)
CV: Tskumiomi
BB: Basroil
CA: Tohya Miho, Kan’ou Uchu, Yurika Misamato, Houki Shinano
CL: Index Librorum
DD: Saten, Kohta Hirano, Gourry Gabriev, Sid Vicious, Megumi, Nayuta, Soyokaze, Makoto Kusanagi
1st Strike Fleet
CV: Satellizer El Bridgette, Kei, Lyar von Etiana, Lina Inverse
CA: Charlotte Dunois, Laura Boedwig,
CL: Erika Hayasaka
DD: Kuroko Shirai,
1st, 2nd, 3rd Transport Fleet Escorts:
BC: Keichi Morisato, Minato Sahashi, Ichika Orimura
CVL: Kaname Chidori, Rana Linchin, Natsumi Murakami, Teresa Testarossa
CA: Saber, Sakura Matou, Mikuru Asahina, Kogarashi, Rider
CL: Tanarotte, Nozomu Ezomori, Souske Sagara, Saeko Busujima
DD: Haruna, Naga Wil Tel Seyruun, Amelia Wil Tel Seyruun, Spike Spiegal, Faye Valentine, Evangeline A.K. McDowell, Nunnaly vi Brittania, Rolo Lampourge
I’ve also fielded a new ship class, the super-heavy battleship, equivalent to the historical Yamato or the planned, but un-built US Montana-class.
The reserve fleet has two DD’s pending names.
The kill list has gotten insane — two of the subs had such long lists, I had to give them names in honor. I’m driving my research and upgrades hard, and the naval commanders have been getting skill-ups. One of the things about the game is that it doesn’t just count guns and soldiers; it also adheres to the concept of “systemology.” In other words, if you have the equipment of say, a historical Germany, but the training of the Ethiopian Army, you can’t use it effectively. It’s necessary to research doctrine, not just hardware. Therefore, I don’t just build better ships, but my officer corps knows how to get the most out of them.

Notice the top left, , where the Leadership points are split between priorities. Supposedly, Espionage is going to be greatly enhanced in the next expansion.
Note the list of techs being researched to the left. Comrade Emperor would like to assure you that our nuclear research is only for peaceful purposes.
Having a lot of carriers made an insane difference when the Polish navy tried to force passage through the Strait of Malacca. In a series of battles, they lost four BB’s and most of the rest of their fleet; I lost the CA Rin Tohsaka. Uruguayan and South African fleets have generally met the same fate, but this is for two reasons; first the AI tends to create smaller fleets that are more vulnerable; second the AI doesn’t retreat immediately when a fleet is heavily damaged. The Polish fleet was huge, but it should have retreated after the first battle. Well, I suppose it tried, but I had fleets on both ends of the strait and they had nowhere to go… except down. My rule of thumb is if a ship takes 20% damage, I get it out of there. I’ll pull the whole fleet if its too weak. A lot of ships went in for repair after that fight!

Government form, laws, occupation policy, political support and organization. Various ministers give bonuses and penalties.
Obviously, the randomizer has been at work here. That, or Dwight Trusty is a sumo wrestler.

Intelligence screen. Information shown is subject to a margin of error. Concentration on a specific area and having more spies makes it more accurate, but it's still fairly questionable.
Commence oxymoron jokes in 5, 4, 3…
Finally, the bar at the top details in order: stockpiles of Energy, Metal, Rare materials, Oil; then unused/base/effective Industrial centers; followed by stockpiles of supplies, refined fuel, money; available manpower for draft, diplomatic points to spend; daily spies trained, officer ratio to requirements, unhappiness, and national unity. And that, I think, will be enough about HOI 3.
Question 1: Do you feel like you’re winning?
Question 2: How long (in game terms) do you think it will take to crush your enemies? (and see them driven before you, and etc.)
I overdid the starting bonuses. So yes, I’m winning, but it’s not a runaway. In fact, it can still go either way.
There are some challenges, particularly in Europe and the Western hemisphere. I just noticed that my only allies in N. America were in danger of being crushed, which would have left both continents fully under Allied control. I don’t think I can cede half the world and still win the game. Closer to home, I’ve managed to defeat Greece and the Netherlands, but I still have to deal with Iceland and South Africa on the Australian continent (which isn’t a big ‘donut’ since everything was randomized). and I’ve still got Nationalist Spain and Bhutan edging closer to the Allies, in central Asia. Guarding against all that is going to tie up a lot of troops I need in N. and C. America.
Meanwhile, Pakistan joined the Allies, which gave Uruguay a path to the FRG/UK. Shanxi has been liberated, and the UK/FRG/Ireland are hard pressed, even with help. If Bhutan declares for the Allies, I don’t know if I can defeat it before it wipes out the UK/USSR from behind.
On the other hand, I just finished researching V1’s, and I should be able to finish construction of my first atomic bomb in the 3rd quarter of 1944. By late 1945, I should be up to one per two months or more. Dropping them on cities can lower the national unity dramatically, and if that drops below the surrender % (equal to 100- the % of industry captured), well, that’s the end.
Btw, as I understand it you don’t want to combine capitol ships and carriers in a fleet. The capitol ships want to close the range in combat, while the fast carriers want to keep it open. Plus the capitol ships are a lot slower than the carriers, slowing down the entire fleet.
I haven’t seen much ill effect from it, if you count in terms of ship losses, but it might account for some of the severe damages inflected. I’ve tended to mix the capitol ships and carriers to ensure air cover over widely separated fleets. I have lost a lot more from sending out underpowered detachments (which I foolishly started doing because of my widening sphere of operations).