Cheesecake wars? But I Already Imitated the French!

Steven DenBeste thinks I’m picking on him? 😕

20060326.1730: Ubu Roi has a review up of the first DVD of Maburaho. I haven’t managed to watch it yet, but he used it as an opportunity to register his latest salvo in the “cheesecake frame grabs” challenge against me. (What did I do to deserve this?)

Maybe I should resort to nukes? NSFW ecchi bath scenes from Popotan? Or I should get my tail in gear and watch the first DVD of Divergence Eve and post some frame grabs from it. I dunno about this. Why is he picking this fight with little old ME? (Go pick on someone your own size!)

Sheesh, my own size would be someone with a tenth of that anime collection! Besides which, I surrendered after the UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie posts — that stuff’s further out than I’d post (my blog is read by too many people at work), and I can’t beat it short of hentai!

Update 2: And SDB counters with UFO Ultramaiden Princess Valkyrie. (Scroll down, then go to next page.) Sigh, I know when I’m whupped, I’m not topping that cheesecake short of hentai. And I don’t have any. (Wouldn’t post it if I did.)

(And by the way, since I buried it in the third update to the Godanner shots, thanks for the help in fixing my capture problems, Steven!)

Of course if you really want to post ecchi, don’t let a little thing like my surrender stop you — just warn us of the NSFW stuff. 🙂

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