Category Archives: Life, etc.

That waste of time known as my existence.

So, what have I been doing?

FYI, my image uploading widget doesn’t work, so that’s another thing I need to work on. So, no pictures. Now the rest of this section is going to be an extended “feel sorry for myself” screed, so I recommend you … Continue reading

Posted in Bitching, Life, etc., Random Nonsense | 3 Comments

Yay, Boredom

As I may or may not have mentioned before, I retired at the end of last year. It was earlier than I expected to, but it was time. All I ever wanted was to be respected for my work, but … Continue reading

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About that WuFlu

So, by “survive the WuFlu”, which I was talking about in June. I was a bit inaccurate. You see, it wasn’t that I had it , and was celebrating surviving. It was that I was cheering not getting it. Fool … Continue reading

Posted in Life, etc., The Real World | Tagged | Leave a comment

So, Another Sighting of Ubu

Oh well… Western Civilization and rule of law were nice while we had them. Wonder what the reprehensibles thought about the state of the Roman Empire around 400 AD? Continue reading

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Some of us Had Better Days

Wonderduck didn’t. Just noticed today — that’s what I get for being absorbed in my own problems.

Posted in Blogging, Life, etc. | Leave a comment

In Memorium: Lane Domino 1952-2018

I was worrying about the wrong person. My brother passed last night, in his sleep. Like brothers, we fought Some must be suspected. A many pharmacist pocket was found with scrapes labeling and not altering the objectives at the importance … Continue reading

Posted in Life, etc., The Real World | 4 Comments

I Wonder if Steven Saw Things Like This?

Though he never stated what it was (at least online, and that I’m aware of) Steven Den Beste made note that he was having health problems in his last few years, and that his medicine had side effects that he … Continue reading

Posted in Bitching, Life, etc., The Real World | 1 Comment