As I Feared

I was shocked to discover last week that Sekirei was only a 12 episode series. Given that they used 5 episodes to introduce the 4 girls, I didn’t see any way that they could resolve the Sekirei War in less than 24-26 episodes. Sadly, the manga hasn’t gotten far enough, so rather than create an ending, Arodouc says the animators decided to leave it open ended; the war will go on. The current arc, which felt more like a mere subplot. had to suffice for the “ending”, and the remainder of the war itself remains to be fought in future series. Pity it was so lame; this is the first harem series I’ve seen in ages to have an actual plot.

Maybe I should go kill a few brain cells by watching Hakufu (NSFW).

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2 Responses to As I Feared

  1. I think I read that the sequel has already been approved. I’m not sure, though.

  2. Actually, I was remembering wrong.

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