To Love Ru

Let me be brief: UFO Princess Valkyrie, redeux. Perhaps crossed with a bit of Urasai Yatsura. Junior high 3rd year or senior high, first year. Therefore, no nudity in the otherwise plentiful fanservice. (As if.) Even Lala’s costume looks like it’s from UFOPV (Specifically, the Valhalla princess that time travels and hangs out with her future & past selves.) Art style seems to be simplistic and deliberately crappy, maybe even a bit 90’s retro at times. Oh and the plot? Shapely teen girl runs away from arranged marriage, flees to Earth (landing in nebbish kid’s bath, with his hands on her breasts–she doesn’t mind), gloms onto the kid, who has an attack of “little-head cogitation” and defends her against the big baddies who show up to take her home. He decides this was a bad idea, and wants nothing more to do with her, so of course, he later accidentally confesses to her instead of his intended classmate. Therefore, she accepts his marriage proposal.

Hoo boy. I can’t wait for the cooking contest to break out. Quality anime is really thin on the ground this season, isn’t it?

Did anyone ever sub the last episodes of They Are My Noble Masters?

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3 Responses to To Love Ru

  1. jgreely says:

    They took out Lala’s nude scenes? But, but… that’s art! Next you’ll be telling me that they’re going to take out the naughty tentacles (chapter 7).


  2. Specifically, the Valhalla princess that time travels…

    That would be Raine. I like her, you know that? There’s something wonderful about a character who never gets ruffled, no matter what seems to be going wrong. (And I have to give her big points for being there for Chorus.)

  3. Ubu Roi says:

    I thought that was the name… when I woke up in the middle of the night.

    Lala does get ruffled however. Just not at little things like landing stark naked in a guys bathtub, with his hands on her breasts. Strangely, I have yet to see the first nosebleed, for all that the guy’s a nebbish. Head explosions, yes. Nosebleeds, no. Then there’s the piece of rock from space (I thought it was a crashed spaceship) that almost landed on him at school. It was promptly forgotten. WTF?

    I do get a bit of a twisted kick out of the scene that went (more or less):

    Riko: “You can’t be an alien, you even speak Japanese!”
    Lala: “Really? What about this–do Earthlings have one? ” (turns around and shows her tail — literally. Suggestion that the towel rides way up.)
    Riko: (Head explodes.)

    The funny part is that speaking Japanese is never mentioned again, as if it explained that little de-tail.

    Another gimmick is that she’s a genius inventor… but somewhat scatterbrained, so the inventions might perform a bit…awkwardly, or she might forget where the off switch is. A worse gimmick is that Riko’s sweetheart ends up being given reasons to think he’s not just a perv, but a crook.

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