Gravion, Sorta Twittered

So far, I’m getting a very Godannar-ish vibe after two episodes, and that’s not good.

Luna is cute, but she’s no Shizuru.

Yeah, cute. NSFW Lamerosity: the speed with which a show becomes lame and predictable.
And they’re — uh, she’s variable sized too.
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2 Responses to Gravion, Sorta Twittered

  1. It’s not as bad as Godannar, IMHO, in part because it’s not as angsty.
    Also, there’s only one love triangle and it doesn’t really dominate the story, and Eiji isn’t part of it.
    For about five episodes they play “threat inflation”, where each successive enemy they fight is worse than the last and they have to pull out a new, more formidable attack, in order to win. Fortunately, that then ends and they start telling other kinds of stories.

    The first few episodes are the worse in the entire double series. But I do think they’re worth wading through. And you’ll get another chance to see Eiji in drag.

  2. Ubu Roi says:

    Ended up getting with Dr. Heinous for some net gaming, so I stopped in the middle of episode 3.

    For the record, I was very disappointed by Eiji in drag. Very. I thought we had our Ms. Wang.

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